Rep. Duterte to redefine illegal recruitment as a crime of economic sabotage for stricter, stiffer penalties.

To better protect from exploitation and promote the welfare of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), Davao City Rep. Paolo Duterte with Benguet Rep. Eric Yap have filed a proposed measure seeking to strengthen the definition of illegal recruitment in the Labor Code by providing a more stringent requirement to what constitutes illegal recruitment by a syndicate. House Bill No. 8360 states that instead of three conspirators, it currently proposes that at least two conspirators would now correspond to an illegal recruitment syndicate, which is tantamount to economic sabotage, and eventually, violators would be meted stricter and stiffer penalties. “Despite recent legislations increasing the penalty for the crime of illegal recruitment, the Department of Migrant Workers still regarded it as...
Posted On 29 May 2023

Duterte, Yap press for free medical,dental services to indigents children

Noting that indigent children have no adequate means to avail medical services, Davao City Rep. Paolo Duterte and Benguet Rep. Eric Yap filed a proposed measure mandating all hospitals, medical centers, clinics and other health institutions giving frontline medical services to provide free medical treatment to indigent children. House Bill No. 7866, also known as the Indigent Children Free Medical and Dental Service Act, requires the giving of free medical and dental services to indigent children or those who are below 18 years of age and whose parents or guardians have no means of providing for their immediate health needs. “Children are the future of our society. It is a declared policy of the state to provide all possible assistance it could provide to children, especially those...
Posted On 11 May 2023

Public Market and Street Vendors in Manila Show Support for Angkas’ Safety Record

Manila, Philippines – The safety record of Angkas, the homegrown motorcycle ride-hailing service, has reached new heights as a public market and street vendors all over Manila were seen wearing Angkas shirts bearing the company’s catchy slogans. The shirts read, “99.997% Safe” and “Angkas Safety Record is Known to be Better Than Condoms,” highlighting the company’s unwavering commitment to safety. Angkas has been a popular choice for commuters in Manila since its launch in 2016, and it has been consistently recognized for its safety standards. The company has implemented various safety protocols to ensure the safety of both the riders and the passengers. These include regular bike maintenance, mandatory safety gear, and stringent background...
Posted On 01 May 2023

Rep. Duterte proposes the establishment of CA division in the City of Davao.

In pursuit of speedy trial of cases and of increasing access to the services of the Court of Appeals, including the declogging of court dockets of the CA’s divisions, Rep. Paolo Duterte has filed a bill seeking the establishment of another division in Mindanao, to be stationed in the City of Davao. House Bill No. 7895 is seeking the establishment of a division of the Court of Appeals in the City of Davao, to be known as the Court of Appeals in Davao City, with jurisdiction over cases originating from the 11th and 12th Judicial Regions. Duterte noted that despite government initiatives for a speedy disposition of cases, the CA’s court dockets remained unattended, wherein its number of divisions in the country remained to be three – in Manila City, Cebu City, and Cagayan de Oro Cit...
Posted On 27 Apr 2023
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